AFLCA Privacy Policy

About this policy

This privacy policy outlines the personal information handling practices of the Australian Football League Coaches Association Incorporated (AFLCA).

Personal information is information that identifies you or could identify you. The AFLCA is required to comply with Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), including the Australian Privacy Principles.


The AFLCA collects, uses and discloses and holds personal information to exercise its powers and to perform its purposes under the Rules of the AFLCA.

These purposes include to:

  • provide Members with a unified and representative organisation dealing with matters of an industrial nature;
  • protect and advance the employment rights, welfare, safety, professional and industrial interests of Members who are or have been contracted to coach with a Club in the Australian Football League;
  • achieve and maintain an appropriate level of fair minimum terms and conditions for all AFL and AFLW coaches;
  • represent its Members in negotiations with the AFL as the Peak Body for the Code with respect to collective employment issues;
  • mediate and if possible reconcile disputes between Members and their employers;
  • assist, participate and work with the AFL and the Clubs to enhance the game nationally, and increase the gross revenue of the competition to enable better - working terms and conditions for AFL and AFLW coaches;
  • provide Members with ongoing advice, counselling, support and training on matters of employment;
  • provide Members with ongoing advice, counselling, support and training on matters of personal development, career education and post-career transition;
  • develop marketing, licensing and sponsorship projects which will benefit Members and/or the Association;
  • administer and deal with the funds of the Association on behalf of its Members as deemed appropriate from time to time;
  • promote and support the highest standard of professionalism in AFL and AFLW coaching;
  • establish and maintain a fund for the purposes of providing benefits for Members post-retirement from AFL or AFLW coaching and assist Members to prepare for life after AFL or AFLW coaching.

The AFLCA collects, uses and discloses and holds personal information to carry out certain functions, such as by conducting surveys of its Members.

Collection of your personal information

The AFLCA aims to only collect the personal or sensitive information it requires to carry out its powers, purposes and functions in any given instance.

The main way the AFLCA collects personal information about its Members is when you provide it. For example, the AFLCA collects personal information such as contact details, when you:

  • become a Member of the AFLCA;
  • contact the AFLCA to ask for assistance or information;
  • receive advice, counselling, support and training from the AFLCA;
  • ask for access to information the AFLCA holds about you or other information about the AFLCA’s operation;
  • complete an AFLCA survey; or
  • apply for a job vacancy at the AFLCA.

The AFLCA may also collect your contact details and other personal information, where relevant, if you are on an AFLCA Board of Management, Advisory Group or committee or are participating in a meeting or in consultation with it.

Collection of sensitive information

Sometimes the AFLCA collects sensitive information, such as information about a Member’s health, or a Member’s racial or ethnic origin.

Indirect collection

The AFLCA may collect personal information about you, including sensitive information, indirectly from publicly available sources or from third parties.


Members and other persons have the option to interact with the AFLCA anonymously, where reasonably possible. However, for most of your interactions with the AFLCA your name, contact information and enough information about the particular matter will be required to enable the AFLCA to deal with the matter.


The AFLCA conducts surveys to gather insights from the AFLCA membership to better understand their perspectives and experiences within the coaching profession. The information collected is instrumental in informing the industry and fostering continual improvement in coaching practices over time.

The AFLCA may use third parties to conduct its surveys. These third parties may collect certain personal information you provide in your survey responses, such as your name, email, job role, place of work and other information that may be relevant in the context of particular surveys. Only specific parties will have access to the information collected through surveys. Your information will be used for research and analysis purposes only. Participation in the AFLCA's surveys is entirely voluntary.


The AFLCA usually uses your personal information for the purpose for which it was collected. This ordinarily includes to:

  • exercise its powers or perform its purposes;
  • carry out analytics, business improvement and reporting; and
  • process job applications.

Powers, functions and duties of the AFLCA

Some examples of where the AFLCA uses your personal information for the purpose of exercising its powers or performing its purposes are as follows:

  • using your contact details to respond to you about your enquiries about Member benefits;
  • providing Members with ongoing advice, counselling, support and training on matters of employment or of personal development, career education and post-career transition;
  • representing Members in negotiations with the AFL;
  • assisting, participating and working with the AFL and the Clubs to enhance the coaching profession and the game; and
  • communicating with the AFL, the Clubs, stakeholders and the media including through its website and social media.

Where the AFLCA uses information provided by its Members (e.g. survey data) in its communications with the AFL, the Clubs, stakeholders and the media, we only use the information in a general manner, without providing information specific to, or identifiable with, a particular Member.

Use of sensitive information

Sometimes the AFLCA may need to use your sensitive information. The AFLCA will generally only use your sensitive information with your consent. There are some limited exceptions that permit use of sensitive information without your consent, including where it is required or authorised by or under law, or where a permitted general situation exists, like where the entity reasonably believes that the use is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious threat to the life, health or safety of an individual or the public.


The AFLCA discloses personal information for purposes other than the purpose for which personal information was collected in certain circumstances. These include:

  • where you have provided consent to disclosure for a secondary purpose; or
  • where you would reasonably expect the AFLCA to use it for that secondary purpose, and the information is related to the primary purpose of collection or, in the case of sensitive information, directly related to the primary purpose.

More information

If you would like further information about the personal information handling practices of the AFLCA, including in relation to its handling of your information, please contact us at or on (03) 8651 4390. If you are a Member, you may also contact any of our Member Services Managers.


The AFLCA will update this privacy policy when its information handling practices change.